It's Thanksgiving season here in the US, and families across the country and planning to join together at the family table to spend time together. Thanksgiving is a unique celebration, in that it is specifically about cultivating an attitude of gratefulness. It's right in the name! Thanksgiving, i.e., giving thanks.
If you pause and take the time, every one of us can find something to be grateful for—even in the midst of very difficult circumstances. That doesn't mean we ignore the challenges we're facing. What it does mean, though, is that we don't face those challenges with an attitude of hopelessness.
Gratitude is the fuel you need to not only survive but thrive in difficult circumstances. Without it, you'll be crushed by the challenges of life.
This Thanksgiving, as you're gathered with family (or if you're celebrating by yourself), take some time to answer the question: what am I grateful for?
I'm grateful for the beautiful children I've been blessed with, and how they're all learning, growing, and maturing into unique, talented people. I'm grateful I'm married to my best friend, and that we face life together, as a team. Speaking of teams, I'm grateful for the fantastic team I work with (shout-out to Jess Derr and Keri-Anne MacKenzie). And I'm grateful to the countless clients who have trusted my team and me to guide them through one of the biggest transactions of their lives. We closed our 60th property of the year on Monday!
Interested in learning more about the science of gratefulness? Check out this Psychology Today article: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude.